A graveyard for good domains you let expire.
More obituaries will be added soon.
Years parked: 2012-2015
Registered by: @deanputney TLDs are too expensive
Just a great great personal domain. .st TLDs are too expensive to maintain anyway. I was keeping this as my personal blog, focusing on posting fast and furious. I'm not fast or furious enough for the kids these days anyway. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2013-2014
Registered by: @qualmist
Obit: Never actually going to do this
The idea was to buy and freeze a few boxes of every niche cereal brand, so that whenever a cereal was discontinued we could sell off our stock to distraught cereal lovers at a terrific markup. I was never going to actually do this, but the domain name made me happy. I have no regrets. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2011-2012
Registered by: @djbaskin
Obit: I needed a new computer
Named after Jean-Paul Sartre, this was going to be a fundraising platform for philosophical inquiry. At the time, my laptop was broke, and I couldn't afford a new computer. This was before there were non-products-based fundraising platforms. I made this site to convince people that a new computer would be life-changing. I wanted to grow this platform to be like Kickstarter, but for raising money for abstract ideas, not a specific project or product. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2015-2016
Registered by: @glench
Obit: Makes me smile
In my imagination an ice cream death march is where you and your friends march all over your city getting ice cream from as many places as possible. This site was meant as an event page for such an event. I say "in my imagination" because I never organized this event. Still, the juxtaposition of "ice cream" with "death march" makes me smile and I think underscores the seriousness with which I think about ice cream. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2008-2016
Registered by: @perludus
Obit: A repository of game development
With a name based on the Latin phrase "Per Ludus" or "From Play", this site was a repository of game development and other topics when I did such things. Alas I got a "real job" at some point, and it just slid away from my priorities. It was sad to toss it, kind of like tossing that box of "cool scraps of metal you are going to make something with some day" in the garage. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2016-2017
Registered by: kevee
Obit: Terrible
The results of a terrible SCRUM experience. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2015-2016
Registered by: @elizeyaquate
Obit: We stayed up all night talking about how we'd start a trapdoor club.
poem for an
expired domain name
it was nearly a year
ago, we'd stayed up all
night talking about how
we'd start a trapdoor
club —
there weren't enough of those
anymore, nor secret stairwells,
nor bookshelves as doorways —
when was
about to expire I received an
email containing a thing that...

Years parked: 1994-2004
Registered by: jennajon
Obit: Made a ton of money
First virtual business I ever owned as a concierge type service for businesses. Made a ton of money, had offers to sell that domain for Rather worthless. Bless you forever CAS. Visit this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2006-2009
Registered by: Jason
Obit: That was my name around the place
While working desktop support, one of my newer coworker's was trying to login to a Windows box as the administrator account but, kept misspelling it. I decided I had to show the guy who the real techs were and promptly misspelled administrator as adminitrator. That was my name around the place for a while so I bought the domain as a joke. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2009-2012
Registered by: @djbaskin
Obit: Updated it only once
This site hosted images of the bodies of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen with my friends' faces Photoshopped onto their faces. I updated it only once. Buzzfeed and NBC wrote about it: "One artist is turning America into one big Olsen twin portrait." I never updated it again for three years and killed it in 2012. Visit this site or revive it.
Years parked: 2008-2012
Registered by: Alex Galt
Obit: Just like it sounds...
Just like it sounds... Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2001
Registered by: Genet-X
Obit: I thought this would be a great domain to sell on to some up and coming company involved in Genetic Engineering.
I thought this would be a great domain to sell on to some up and coming company involved in Genetic Engineering. I got no takers, so let it expire. It seems to have been taken up by a bodybuilding supplements company after me. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2012... don't remember exactly
Registered by: Sandro
Obit: I started photojournalism-ing of experts in wildly different fields but never posted.
I started photojournalism-ing of experts in wildly different fields but never posted. I talked to a vintage sign hunter & a world jazz metal band (?). The Virgin Galactic founding astronaut didn’t take me up on my interview hint. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2018-2019
Registered by: Daphne MirDomain:
Years parked: 2019-2021
Registered by: kaioker
Obit: Originally designed to be a landlord help tool with chat rooms and other helpful resources.
Originally designed to be a landlord help tool with chat rooms and other helpful resources. Opened for a year in a beta test, but a database failure killed it. I am not going to revive it, but if someone does, I will gladly share my source code with them. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2018-2019
Registered by: Neil Shankar
Obit: I was eating a bunch of Clover cream-on-top yogurt and figured creamtop would be a good name for an online brand.
I was eating a bunch of Clover cream-on-top yogurt and figured creamtop would be a good name for an online brand. Then several people pointed out to me that it sounds explicit. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2018-2021
Registered by: Roman
Obit: It good site for my YouTube channel
It good site for my YouTube channel. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2015-2016
Registered by: Patrick
Obit: Indexed the entire USPTO and made a discovery engine to see how close your idea was to existing patents.
Indexed the entire USPTO and made a discovery engine to see how close your idea was to existing patents. But with the rise of Elon Musk, no one cares about patents anymore. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2020
Registered by: Maksym Dubrovskyi
Obit: I just forgot about this domain
I just forgot about this domain. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2013-2016
Registered by: md
Obit: Bought while drunk at a beer festival, the name is a pun on - a beer tickers website and app.
Bought while drunk at a beer festival, the name is a pun on - a beer tickers website and app. Obsessed beer nerds use it to tick and rate the beers they drink. They probably could use a niche dating site. Someone else will have to build it. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2018-2020
Registered by: Uygar Türk Sütçü
Obit: No Money
No Money. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2005-2021
Registered by: Nerdcore
Obit: Best blog of all times. Killed by assholes.
Best blog of all times. Killed by assholes. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2005-2020
Registered by: The Alameda Artworks
Obit: We let the domain registry slip during covid, since we couldn't have art events anyway.
We let the domain registry slip during covid, since we couldn't have art events anyway. Someone swooped in and bought it and asked for $700. We didn't have the money. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2007-2008
Registered by: Hristian
Obit: felt alive
felt alive. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2015?
Registered by: Phil
Obit: We thought we had the future of reciprocation. It turns out we only had a decent squid pun.
We thought we had the future of reciprocation. It turns out we only had a decent squid pun. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2020-2022
Registered by: Luis Villa
Obit: In the late 90s, for a glorious moment lawyers argued about whether a “law of the internet” was like a “law of the horse”.
In the late 90s, for a glorious moment lawyers argued about whether a “law of the internet” was like a “law of the horse”. 20 years later, for a briefer moment, I owned a domain to joke about that joke. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2016
Registered by: molly
Obit: Celebrating the life of the potato face collection
Celebrating the life of the potato face collection. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2023
Registered by: Anselm
Obit: Argh I forgot to renew this old and fun social event
Argh I forgot to renew this old and fun social event. Revive this site.Domain:
Years parked: 2008-2013 (approx.)
Registered by: Alex
Obit: This was a social network for ugly cats
This was a social network for ugly cats. It never really took off though, maybe because I never really built it. It's gone for good now. Not even a trace on Wayback machine. The new owner doesn't even have a photo of a cat on the site :-( Revive this site.
Years parked: 2009-2019
Registered by: @patrickmmiller
Obit: After the passing of Michael Jackson and the global outpouring that followed, I was moved at how people all over the world were inspired by his ability to bring joy and get people dancing.
I envisioned that the last Saturday of the month of August could be this day as immediately following his passing his birthday fell on a Saturday and there were naturally lots of dance parties held on that day in his honor. The idea was to encourage that to happen every year as a global day of love and unity through music and dance. Sadly, the overwhelming weight of the task of elevating this concept got the better of me and I never got around to it. In light of the events of the past year, and the gate of information that is hard to ignore. I realized that value of this particular idea has passed its time and that this domain should be laid to rest. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2000-2006
Registered by: @patrickmmiller
Obit: My first website.
Changed debit cards and had stopped checking (or got locked out of) my old AOL email account that had become overrun with spam. Domain expired and was instantly purchased by domain squat-bot who wanted to resell to me at an exorbitant markup. I moved on. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2013-2017
Registered by: @emptyhrse
Obit: We will miss you, here's to one of the best Sherlock fansites!
Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2009-2012
Registered by: @brittanyshoot
Obit: This was my blog about living in Denmark for several years, an unhappy, cold, alienating experience.
Denmark is constantly at the top of the world happiness ranking so I picked a domain in mocking contrast with what I wrote about being dissatisfied and miserable in Copenhagen. The domain pointed to a Tumblr, but then Tumblr changed its rules at some point and the site broke. I never reconfigured or backed it up and eventually let the domain go when I moved back to the States. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2009-2019
Registered by: @westinlohne
Obit: I had absolutely no plan for this but to look at it in joy and giggle in my domain list because it's an absolute chonk.
It was a personal trinket with no goals, no expectations. Just a gentle reminder of weirdness. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2014-2017
Registered by: Bill Loundy
Obit: Survived by, which I'll probably own until I die.
Home Yoke was a platform where you could buy instructions for an individually designed yoga experience, created just for you by a trained yoga professional. It made it easier to do yoga alone at home and provided an alternative source of income for yoga teachers. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2016-2018
Registered by: Bill Loundy
Obit: Immediately after Trump was elected, I created an app (a Facebook plugin?) that enabled you to chat - anonymously - chat roulette-style, with Facebook friends who were in the opposite political party.
Everyone seemed to hate everyone, so I thought it would help. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2015-2017
Registered by: Bill Loundy
Obit: I definitely spent too long trying to build yoga businesses.Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2011-2013
Registered by: aleffert
Obit: A late-night conversation led me to the idea that I was going to put up a HotOrNot type site but for rating popeiness.
Never actually got around to it and let the domain lapse. A month later the pope resigned and I had regrets. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2017-2019
Registered by: rodrigotellom
Obit: There'll be a lot of systems still to unfold. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2014-2015
Registered by: rodrigotellom
Obit: I wanted to start workshops of "simple technology for adults like my mom": how do I get back the password of my Facebook, how do I upload a photo to an album, how to change the font size in my cellphone, what is Skype. Simple stuff.
I wanted to start workshops of "simple technology for adults like my mom": how do I get back the password of my Facebook, how do I upload a photo to an album, how to change the font size in my cellphone, what is Skype. Simple stuff. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2010-2015
Registered by: dinomite
Obit: Intended to make a satire site lampooning by-mail schemes of a bygone era.
Never got past some simple JS revealing a rattlesnake from under a FedEx box on hover. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2019-2020
Registered by: 4ravind
Obit: One day I felt Engineering is an art and promptly bought this domain. But the renewal price turned out to be 10 times what I registered the domain for. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2019
Registered by: nb4ld
Obit: $600/year ;(
$600/year ;( Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2010-2019
Registered by: @justcharlie
Obit: A much beloved music project based in Chengdu, China. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2006-2009
Registered by: batterylicker
Obit: The greatest repository of memes that never existed, was intended to be... well, who knows.
It seemed an appropriate place to share photos that were unnecessary (that phrase may describe most parts of the internet). But hey, who has the time? Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2009-2011
Registered by: batterylicker
Obit: I hated the movie Avatar. It's dumb. It's obvious. It's a remake of Ferngully.
And most egregious of all – to me – is that the FX aren't even impressive, because they're not blending a world. It's just a video game. So naturally, as revenge, I registered the domain so that at least when the sequel came out I could benefit. But, that's been many years in the making. And you can't profit from hate (or so I thought, once upon a time. The internet has proved otherwise, to my dismay). Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2015-2016
Registered by: @smartwatermelon
Obit: After a string of particularly terrible officiating, I thought it would be funny to put up a "buy a hockey ref" page.
You'd scroll through the NHL schedule and bid on your desired final score. But I never actually built it, and let the domain lapse. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2008-2010
Registered by: Fugly
Obit: Dedicated to the F-ugly artwork on a band's second record cover. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2011-2019
Registered by: @jameshome
Obit: Flickr (or Instagram, in the parlance of our times), but more emotionally evocative and less aesthetically bankrupt.
Most of the time spent on the project went to getting the typography just right, which is a great use of time for a site about full-bleed photography and minimal text. Named for the bit of Leonard Cohen's 'Anthem' that goes "there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in". Abandoned when I made peace with the fact that I can't make a website as good as that song. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2008-2014
Registered by: @jameshome
Obit: A compendium of built objects that made human civilization worse.
We got drunk and came up with dozens of these that made us laugh until we couldn't breathe, and yet the /disinventions directory contains nothing but a bad logotype. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2017-2018
Registered by: @azeriafx
Obit: I just couldn't justify renewing a meme site, sadly. Didn't stop me from buying a new one though,
I just couldn't justify renewing a meme site, sadly. Didn't stop me from buying a new one though, Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2019
Registered by: vwmann
Obit: It was good while it lasted! RIP good fella! Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2012-2020
Registered by: @dphotors
Obit: A site for an obviously named photo repair business.
Got me a lot of business, said goodbye last week. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2018-2019
Registered by: @numberless
Obit: A short-lived Mastodon instance that was exclusively intended for people to post about things they did, and for other people to un-ironically congratulate them for doing the things.
Things like "I made a difficult phone call", or "I took my meds", or "I got out of bed before 2pm." No thing was too small; All hard things are worthy of recognition. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2016-2018
Registered by: bilalghalin
Obit: Nuries were/are a set of matchsticks designed for the express purpose of watching them burn as a meditation.
The box is shaped like a phone, it's all black with a tiny bit of golden text inside that says shine a light within. I still can't believe I didn't set it up on auto renew and now they want 14,888 dollars for it. It's named after the Arabic word for light Nur - and one of the ninety-nine names of God in the Muslim tradition "Al Nur" - Let it go, let it go, let it goooo. Maybe I should light a Nurie! Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 1985-2017
Registered by: Sudeshna
Obit: You were supposed to be my window to the creative world but I crunched numbers and forgot to renew you.
You were supposed to be my window to the creative world but I crunched numbers and forgot to renew you. Bow wow, dear friend. Bow wow! Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2014-2018
Registered by: Justin White
Obit: Stormly. A simple web app for hyperlocal weather... registered in Libya for that sweet .ly.
Now for sale by some domain squatter for $30,000 (😅 good luck on that one Bub). Visit this site
Years parked: 2005-2006
Registered by: luisin140
Obit: Planned to use it for a recipe site, back in the day when dropping vowels was hawt. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 1998-2000
Registered by: DC
Obit: Cashing in on the Xmas Furby craze of 1998, I got this domain to re-sell the little buggers online.
Actually got a cease & desist letter from Tiger Electronics 10 days before Xmas. But they gave me 10 days to comply, so that worked out well :) Value-added features remained online for at least 6mo or so I think. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2016-2017
Registered by: pyro1g
Obit: This was going to be a fresh start for a community name for my gaming community on Steam.
Turns out having the pi symbol (π) as the N in night gaming was a mistake, and everyone made fun of it and called it "pight gaming". After that and my servers doing good without the name change, I decided to trash the whole idea entirely. It was a cool concept though, but I couldn't stand the idea of being called "pight gaming". Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2009-2010
Registered by: Rashawn
Obit: This website was supposed to be about different plants and flowers and how to care for them with affiliated website on where to purchase them. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2014-2017
Registered by: kevin meissner
Obit: Every good startup needs an equally good spin-off. was a blog showcasing pictures of labradors, curated and captioned in the manner of an 8 year old with a fuzzy idea of what qualifies as a labrador. Eventually the WordPress comments were overwhelmed by bots and the site went down, never to be resurrected. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2014-2017
Registered by: kevin meissner
Obit: Corporations say a lot of things.
I wanted to memorialize the most regrettable and socially treasonous marketing copy I came across, in an ode to late capitalism. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2015-2017
Registered by: spilliams
Obit: A simple call-to-action to get more people to enjoy a Pizza Night, whatever that means to them.
A wrapper around a Heroku app (, it uses a simple scraper on Wikipedia to come up with any reason why someone might want pizza today of all days (some dates hardcoded, like National Pizza Day). Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2016-2017
Registered by: @imtilda
Obit: I couldn't afford the bigger 2nd year price. RIP
I couldn't afford the bigger 2nd year price. RIP. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 1997-2017
Registered by: @umasslowellmath
Obit: This faculty-controlled web site was taken down by the university IT department.
This faculty-controlled web site was taken down by the university IT department. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: Mid 2000s
Registered by: Rick
Obit: I thought this would be a great site to teach people about moving to New York, mostly because it rhymed.
I thought this would be a great site to teach people about moving to New York, mostly because it rhymed. Let it lapse and now Network Solutions wants to charge 10k for it as a "premium domain." Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2010-2014?
Registered by: Jeff
Obit: Not sure why I registered this domain.
Not sure why I registered this domain. I think it was during the cocktail hour and I thought I'd populate it with oddities and nonsense. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2016-2017
Registered by: @ErikBoesen
Obit: Wanted to practice Ruby on Rails by building a social network without echo chambers.
It sucked and crashed constantly. Oh well. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2017
Registered by: corydhmiller
Obit: What's My Unfortune was made as a little exercise in Javascript.
It was a random "unfortune" generator that would give people little things to think about that weren't really fortunes. They were funny, grammatically incorrect, and ultimately it didn't really take off because it served little to no purpose. Rest in peace, WMU. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2015-2017
Registered by: Mildly Inquisitive
Obit: I started the site as a way to create a social media presence.
I started the site as a way to create a social media presence, but I rarely updated the site's web comic, art gallery, and literature heteronym profile. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2017-2018
Registered by: M Mann
Obit: the drunken brainchild of Deval Mehta, was at once a repository of sordid dreams and failed expectations.
He dreamed of wicked nights on the Craigslist casual encounters, he dreamed of whips, clamps, spanking, wax-clad maidens, things that could only be found in the dregs of Trump's dirty teenage mind. Instead it became a prank spam inbox for himself, and a few of his most unlucky friends. No webpage, ‘no web presence’, just a DNS alone in the dark seclusively swinging out zeros and ones to no one and nowhere. Rest in peace my dirty darling. May you be reborn again in the bowels of the dark web. RIP 2018. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2009-2014
Registered by: Doctor Popular
Obit: Ever taken a road trip for a classic game, just to find out the controller didn't work when you got there?
Have you wondered where the nearest Discs of Tron is? Ourcade was going to be like Yelp for arcade games. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2011-2016
Registered by: db
Obit: An engineering-themed blog in the style of LifeHacker.
Writing about stuff I learned the hard way, so others wouldn't have to. Just got so busy, and that $10 every year was salt on the wound. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2011-2015
Registered by: db
Obit: I was going to start a non-profit to fund research for curing blindness.
Then I found out how complicated a 501(c) is to create. Easier to send someone else money. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2009-2014
Registered by: asheeshlaroia
Obit: I bought this (along with in the 2009 .tel land rush period.
I was going to operate a mailinator-like anonymous email receiving service. What I discovered, to my shock, was that .tel refused to let people customize what IP address the domain resolved to. You had to use their custom content management system focused on contact information. You see, .TEL was all about getting in touch with people or organizations. I somehow missed that information during the land rush. I let the domain pass into the afterlife on March 22, 2014. I hadn't set up the anonymous email service. As of today, I see that both and have been reborn. P.S. In an act of desperation during the land rush period, I also purchased, just in case and weren't going to be available. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2016-2017
Registered by: Maret
Obit: Entertainment and amusement became entermusement.
Not a bad idea, right? Well, I never really knew what I wanted to do with the site. I have some other sites too and I guess I just love them more. Sorry. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2014-2018
Registered by: @DimitrisTzouris
Obit: I got this domain when I first organized a Global Game Jam in Thessaloniki.
After 2 events (in 2014 and 2016) I won't be organizing it again and no-one stepped up to claim the event, so I let the domain expire. The websites are still available at and Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 1994-1997
Registered by: John Gilmore
Obit: I registered this as the Christian Collection Center.
Back in the day when you had to send an email to "[email protected]" to register a domain name. I described it as "We provide automation for Christian organizations that handle large volumes of donations. We serve the Lord by furthering His works here on Earth." Of course it was a parody of churches that are all about making money. Eventually the beltway bandit SAIC which bought Network Solutions got "government permission" to start charging money every year for each domain, and because I refused to pay those bastards, I let it go. Now it's run by loser Christians who don't appear to know how to make a COMmercial site actually generate money. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2017-2018
Registered by: @lisettevoytko
Obit: After I left my corporate job a year ago, I hired a life coach who encouraged me to find my people (i.e. creatives).
She thought community would be good for me (she's right) and also that I should be the one to build it (she was wrong about that). I was watching a lot of Gilmore Girls at the time, and cribbed the name of this artist's collective from the secretive Yale society Rory infiltrates for her school paper. I never got it off the ground other than building the site, some social media accounts, and a couple of blog posts. I think it's something that should exist, but I'm not the one to bring it into existence. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2017
Registered by: Tommy
Obit: Rest in peace
Rest in peace. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2017-2018
Registered by: Annika Backstrom
Obit: It redirected to some websites of people and orgs I didn't respect.
Ultimately, it wasn't worth renewing. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2010-2016
Registered by: georgiecel
Obit: Used for my photoblog.
I found it incredibly fitting for the fact that I couldn’t make up my mind on so many things, including domains. Eventually I decided to move my photo content to my regular blog, but I hung onto this for a few years after I stopped using it... because I couldn’t make up my mind. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2.5 years
Registered by: @stefsacchi
Obit: Bought this for about 20 bucks.
I was inspired by an article I read about Google X's leader Astro Teller a.k.a captain of moonshots. My idea was to sell it to Google. I didn't. It's currently selling at 2300$ on GoDaddy. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2016-2018
Registered by: @thegillion
Obit: This was site was up and running (No one was using it).
Then I just forgot about it...... I am sorry to no one. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2017-2018
Registered by: Preston_ie
Obit: Short-lived but stolen by Amazon lawyers before it got going.
No money to battle the giant who hired experts to claim it. I wrote an in-depth story of events at the time meant for my blog but didn't publish it because of fear they would lash out further. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2014-2015
Registered by: @schlagetown
Obit: Originally conceived as a sort of meta-tribute to Flatland.
The classic story at once explanatory parable of spatial multi-dimensionality and cultural satire. I'd intended to create some sort of collection of multimedia interpretations / renderings of Flatland — e.g. animation, audio, illustration, poetry — loosely related to another side project I was working on at the time, about possibilities for media and storytelling. Alas, didn't get off the ground, and this .tld is too expensive to keep on the back burner for multiple years. Visit this site or revive it.
Years parked: 2014-2018
Registered by: @schlagetown
Obit: I bought this domain to host a side project where I'd write short prose poetry fantastical descriptions of rocks.
Kind of Invisible Cities inspired, accompanied by close-up photos (edited scans, really) of each rock. It started as a random creative writing exercise using a bunch of collected beach rocks, then I imagined it as an art project I'd continue for 52 rocks, but that kind of trailed off after…maybe a dozen? I still think this was actually good and I should revisit it, ha. This lived on Tumblr for a while but I've since abandoned Tumblr for everything and realized if I ever revisit it the domain isn't really necessary. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2013-2015
Registered by: siradityaverma
Obit: I was trying to create a blog that'd explain science and physics in layman's terms with my friend.
We let it expire since we had difficulties finding new writers. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2013-2015
Registered by: Liam
Obit: Just a frisky link. Got excited when you clicked it. "Ooh yeah baby"
Just a frisky link. Got excited when you clicked it. "Ooh yeah baby". Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2013-2018
Registered by: @spilliams
Obit: Maybe it was going to be a personal travelogue from someone too camera-shy to use it.
Or maybe it would have been a list of curated social media posts from people living their best life out there, so blessed, omg. In the end, I only wish this had taken off before #vanlife did. We salute you, summernauts of the world! Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2017-2019
Registered by: @andrewaskins
Obit: Oh Fred, I never gave you the life you deserved.
You were such a great idea. An analytics Slack bot with personality. You weren't going to be a normal robot - no, you were going to be a unicorn. But alas, I got bored and didn't feel like spending the time to integrate all those APIs. Goodbye my friend. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 2008-2020
Registered by: @mikhailsimin
Obit: twas a site to be for all who want to learn about beer brewing.
A combination of Q&A (maybe I'll register!) with a map showing you your nearest brew store. I installed WordPress on it and then never touched it for 12 years. Visit this site or revive it.Domain:
Years parked: 1999-2002
Registered by: Alex Galt
Obit: A little of this, a little of that
A little of this, a little of that. Visit this site or revive it.